Thursday, May 27, 2010

Salmon Spell

Well I didn't stay away for long did I!! I have a slight (severe) addiction when it comes to blabbing about my thoughts. I have to let it out or I get all fidgety and anxious.

Sooooooooo here we go....

While on vacation I didn't exercise at ALL. There was no sexy, slow motion running on the beach. No strength training on the deck with my ocean view. No yoga poses, no stretching, no NOTHING! On one hand, it was glorious, on the other hand, I've felt like a HEAVY SLUG ever since I got back.

I think the combo of stuffing my greedy little face with whatever I wanted and not working out for 11 days straight really did a number on me. I feel better today than I did on Sunday but I still don't feel like myself. I went back to the gym starting Monday and I'M SORE AS ALL HECK! Like I just started working out for the first time EVER! I don't feel weak (thank goodness), I just feel SUPER sore!

So strange how our bodies get used to the foods we eat regularly and the exercise abuse we inflict upon it. It's almost like I collapsed physically without it. Would I do things differently next time? Probably! I would perhaps only indulge ONCE a day instead of at EVERY MEAL and I would probably try and squeeze in a little exercise here and there.

Okay, moving on. Don't you just LOVE random posts?

I have not been taking photos regularly. THE HORROR! BUT, here are some of the things I have enjoyed since getting back into the swing of things.

Oh oatmeal, how I missed your gooey goodness. I've had the same exact breakfast since Monday and my body thanks me for it. ;)

Fruits. LOTS and LOTS of fruits. Apples, Kiwi, Berries, Bananas etc... I can't seem to get enough!

Wrap your brain around this wrap. Spinach, bread and butter pickles and ham. I seriously LOVE bread and butter pickles! They are the BEST in my opinion! I even add them to my salads. SO GOOD!

Smoothies to cool down and refuel with after my workouts. It's been HOT around here lately. Mid 80's since I got back. Above average for this time of year in Ohio I do believe.

And of COURSE, Greek yogurt. I missed this while I was gone. I missed it severely!

And I MUST talk a bit about my dinner last night. Nick had dinner at his moms the night before and brought me home some recently fresh caught and grilled Salmon. UN-BELIEVE-ABLE! It was the most tender, juicy, perfectly cooked Salmon I have ever had in my entire life!!!! EVER!!!! I cooked up some fresh green beans, seasoned them with soy, spray butter, black pepper and minced garlic. I placed the Salmon on top and topped it all off with a drizzle of creamy horseradish sauce and fresh Wasabi paste. I also had a toasted English muffin on the side. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I can't say that enough.

My nose was on FIRE. I adore Wasabi!

Alright lovelies. That's it for now. Be back when I have something new and exciting to yap about. :)



Anonymous said...

One word: YUMM-O!
I love wasabi, too :D
Wish you a great day, Ildie!
Brazilian XOXO´s,

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

hey lady. i can't live without your rambles. just putting that out there. i think it is SO hard to get back into working out after a vacay. more so than getting back to eating right. food is food, you gotta eat, but working out takes effort! isnt it crazy how just a little break and then going back can make us SO sore? i am feeling that today. i didn't lift weights for only about 5 days.. and i did yesterday~ not heavy weights AT all and only for 30 min. um, i cant walk today! i love waasabi too. i missed you. :)

Sonia said...

mmm to mirror everyone else's comments- I, too, like wasabi a lot! I have never though of buying it for some reason...just get it when we go out for Japanese food!

Simply Life said...

yum! all your food looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

I love wasabi like a mother hen loves her eggs. Where did you find this? it all looks great

sweetlife said...

your salmon looks great yummy...sore really, hey don't worry super woman you'll be back in tip top shape in no time



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