Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpernickel Possession! Be very afraid!

You know what's scary? Recurring wrinkles that sometimes disappear. Like a mini ghost living on my face! What is that all about? I have this one on the left side of my face, next to my mouth. I noticed it again this morning and I swear it wasn't there yesterday! HA! I have this habit of smiling with my mouth closed and every time I do, it creases in the same exact spot. Sometimes it remains even after I'm done smiling. One day Ann looked at me and said, "It's back". Without even hesitating I knew what she meant and busted out my compact mirror. There it was peeking at me. Waving its "you're aging" flag! . UGH! Do you see it?


Okay, enough self wallowing. Moving on. Breakfast today was pretty tasty. I passed on the EXPLODING AND CHEWY cracked wheat and packed some old fashioned oats instead! GOOD DECISION! I added a banana, some pumpkin pie spice and a little fat free chocolate fudge pudding mix. Yep, turned out tasty!

For lunch I had this ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN DELICIOUS SANDWICH! Dear lord, it was amazing! When you actually bother to take your time in the bread isle at the store you can find magical things. You realize that there are OTHER breads out there that you can incorporate into your diet that are not at all high calorie or bad for you. Such as PUMPERNICKEL! I LOVED IT! I smeared a wedge of laughing cow cheese on one slice, then added mushrooms, spring mix lettuce and green peppers. That was it. Did it need anything else? NOPE! This was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. Maybe I'm just saying that because I was starving. I woke up hungry. Stupid beers! You will probably see a lot of pumpernickel photos in the next few weeks. I think I'm addicted. It's my new crack!

I also had 2 mini Asian pears on the side. Aren't they adorable?

Then we were off to take a little break and enjoy some more of this sunshine phenomenon we've been experiencing as of late. We went to Home Goods. This store is so amazing. I could blow thousands in there! Easily! I purchased a few things for myself. I got two bowls, a mug and a new cutting board. They were super cute and super cheap.

We also got started on our Christmas shopping. FOR ONCE I want to be done by the end of next month! COME ON ILDIE. YOU CAN DO IT! I can't show you what we got. Prying Mama and Papa eyes may read this post and see it! They were fabulous finds though. Let the teasing begin. You know you love it Papa. HAHA!

For my afternoon snack I enjoyed a plain Oikos yogurt that we purchased at scary Walmart yesterday. I added a ton of cinnamon to jazz it up. MM, perfection!

Uh-oh, Annie-boo is feeling sickly. We still made it to the gym though! Nothing will stop us dang it! We're machines!!!! I say that now because I'm not the sick one. HA! I should be sick soon though. Every time Ann gets sick I get sick. She caries a force field of "cold virus funk" with her that I'm too weak to get away from. It sucks me in and I end up sicker than her almost every time she is sick. I better start drinking my OJ now!

By the way, while at the gym, Ann looked at me with a concerned and serious look on her face and said "it's back"! I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS ABOUT! What are the odds of me posting about my scary first wrinkle and her pointing it out to me again the same exact day?! UGH! HA! Hilarious!!!!! (And scary.......)

Nick was visiting his friend tonight so I only had to worry about dinner for one. As I began to try and figure out dinner, visions of pumpernickel bread started dancing in my head. I had to have it. Resistance was futile! Is twice in one day too much? Do I even care? OHHHH! It HAD to be mine! As if in a trance I had no control over, I found myself cooking up a chicken breast. Before I knew it my diligent little hands were making two open faced pumpernickel sandwiches. On my sexy new cutting board of course!
I added a half a slice of chicken, fat free American cheese, green peppers, spring mix and of course some avocado to each slice! This sandwich was better than sex!!

I shed a tear of joy while eating it. Then I wept uncontrollably when I realized I had eaten it all. Don't fear sweet sandwich cravings. You shall be fulfilled again soon. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But soon!!

Goodnight! :)

1 comment:

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

hey girl! sorry i have been absent from commenting this week. been sick and packing to move and busy busy! but i am semi-back in the game :) your reappearing wrinkle cracked me up. and i LOVE pumpernickel bread! yum! i can't believe it is time to do christmas shopping. eep!


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