Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tis the season of teasing. AGHHHHHH! Hi Papa, I picked up more Christmas presents for you today but of course I refuse to tell you where I was or what I picked up. CAN YOU STAND IT? MUWAHAHA! I'm so evil.

Speaking of TEASING. Apparently my present arrived today while I was at work. Nick rushed home to wrap it after work and would NOT stop tormenting me with this fact. He's such an adorable jerk! I love that man!

I've gotten to cross a lot of things of my Christmas list already and it feels so good! Will I finish before December 1st like I had planned? HECK NO-HO-HO! Let's get serious here people. I tend procrastinate as much as humanly possible when it comes to present shopping. At least I'm making progress! Trust me, what I've gotten done so far is already some sort of a Christmas miracle.

I was really hungry when I got to work today. Sometimes I just wake up so dang hungry. I can't explain it! I quickly whipped up this delicious yogurt mess.
  • 4oz plain Oikos
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 1 cinnamon Hermit cookie from Newman's Own Organics
  • 1 tbs FitNutz Pro-Peanut butter mix
  • 1 packet splenda
OMG. This was AHHHH-mazing.

I don't usually have yogurt for breakfast because I'm so oatmeal obsessed but I may have to change it up a bit. This was my first time trying a Hermit cookie from Newman's Own Organics and thought it was super moist, dense and delicious. Check it out!!!

Of course it's 100% organic. It contains raisins, molasses, figs and cinnamon. It's the perfect size to crumble into my yogurt too. YUM! This gets a 10 out of 10. I love a good, rich, chewy cookie and this delivered!

Lunch today was a repeat of yesterday. I enjoyed it WAY TOO MUCH not to have it again.
  • Sweet Butter Lettuce
  • Roma Tomato
  • Crab meat
  • Toasted english muffin, torn into bite size pieces
  • spray butter

I slammeth till my plate was emptyeth. I adore bagged Sweet Butter lettuce mix SO much. I tried it for the first time maybe a year ago and I'm completely addicted! It just makes the BEST salads!

As I stated above, we managed to sneak in some Christmas shopping on our break away from the office today. I can NOT discuss details with you. Bulging, curious and rabid little Papa eyes are reading this blog so I must be careful. ;)

For my afternoon snack today I enjoyed another chocolate whey protein shake which I had with vanilla Almond Breeze. YUM! Too bad I don't have access to a blender at work! If I did I would add fruits or something else to the mix. Oh well.

We hit the gym with a mission today. Bust it out and get out. Here's what went down.

Seated Chest Press
30lb x 20
40lb x 18
50lb x 15
Horizontal True Chest Press
Weight of machine x 15
+10 x 12
+20 x 7
Incline True Chest Press
20lb x 20
30lb x 10
Incline chest press
20lb x 15
30lb x 8
Modular Chest Press
30lb x 20
40lb x 18
50lb x 8
Treadmill (.84 miles, 15 min.)
5 min. at 3.2 speed
5 min. at 3.4 speed
5 min. at 3.6 speed
Bike (5.4 miles, 15 min.)
Random setting, Level 5, 104 calories
Ab Machine
60lb x 20
60lb x 20

I came home to an empty house. Nick was visiting his mom for dinner. I cleaned my nasty, sweaty self up real quick and then decided on leftovers for dinner. My favorite. I had plenty of curry chicken left from last night so I decided to have it with a simple, baked potato (which I microwaved). EASY PEASY! I was feasting in a matter of minutes. The chicken was still juicy and yummy. It actually tasted perfect with the potato. I thought it might be weird but nope, not at all!

For those of you who are lucky enough to be close to a Trader Joe's, check out their Curry Simmer Sauce. It's good and only 3.5 servings of 70 calories. Not bad at all! I did add more hot curry powder to the mix but it's probably not needed. I just really like my food SPICY!

Well that's it. That's all I've got. Have a great night everyone!!

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