Friday, November 6, 2009

Big Ball of Happy!

Today has been a good day I declare! A good day indeed.

A. I am NOT getting sick. Sore throat has disappeared!
B. I lost another 2.1 pounds. Grand total now being 25.1. YES!!!
C. It's actually SUNNY here today and 60 degrees. IN-SANE!
D. It's Friday!

You add all of these lovely ingredients together and you get a big ball of happy!

To celebrate this blissful and euphoric feeling, I enjoyed a nice bowl of oats for breakfast with the usual cup of coffee.
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 cup water
  • pinch salt
  • splenda to taste
  • 6 dried apricots, cut into small pieces
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • dash cinnamon
  • dash pumpkin pie spice

Oh man, I like the addition of the apricots. They smelled so good! I enjoyed this very much! I HEART Oatmeal!

My lunch was equally delicious! I had a lovely salad. I always love a good salad!
  • Sweet Butter lettuce
  • chick peas
  • cherry tomatoes
  • green peppers
  • Melba bagel crisps
  • red pepper flakes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • spray butter


For our break today I ran with Ann to her car dealership to pick up some "special Volkswagen approved" blend of antifreeze. The check engine light is on YET AGAIN on that cursed little car of hers and Nick plans to change her thermostat tomorrow while we're at the gym. Apparently coolant MAY be needed. I don't know... I don't speak car! On the way back to work we stopped in The Nervous Dog coffee shop. They were rated #1 in the area and I had to see what all the fuss was about. I loved the place. Cute, quaint, little and adorable! The coffee was also delicious! I got a lite skim chocolate chip mint latte. MMMMM!

For my afternoon snack (drum roll please...) I had the very HIGHLY anticipated pineapple flavored Chobani. TA DAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Uhm, it was out of this world delicious! Which just made me sad! I only had one to enjoy and they don't sell this flavor anywhere around here ! I can "sometimes" find strawberry at scary Marc's if I'm lucky! SIGH! It was rich, creamy and decadent! Full of actual pineapple bits and real fruit infused goodness! I give it a 12 out of 10. Just look at this creamy goodness. So photogenic I tell you! OW OW!

I can't wait to try the other flavors!

After work Ann and I ran to the grocery store together to get some shopping done. I love shopping for food. It's when I feel the most creative (except for when I'm actually cooking)! I love roaming and thinking of new ideas, new meals, new things to try for the first time! YEAH! (I'm a nerd!!!)

When I got home I was greeted by a lovely package from POM Wonderful! Oh, how exciting! I've been dying to try their products! I received a whole box of these adorable little bottles to sample. Thanks POM! I can't wait to try them!

After unpacking all of the groceries I decided (because sometimes I get uncontrollable urges) to empty half of the cabinets in my kitchen and reorganize them ALL. I NEED MORE ROOM for my goodies! I've been wanting to do this for a long time now. Nick and I were going crazy. Moving everything, throwing a bunch junk out, trying to come up with a better "kitchen flow" if you will. Man, it felt so GOOD when I was done. Ch-ch-check it out!

I guess I should have taken before pictures to give you a better visual for WHY the after is so much more exciting. HA!

After our uncontrollable organization spree, it was time for dinner. It was 9:00 by the time we finished and we were both starving! Oh man, Taco night was upon us again! YES! The usual pics are below. The healthy version recipe is posted **here** if you are interested.

We devoured our bowls of goodness and now it's time to relax! What a lovely day indeed! Enjoy your Friday night everyone!

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