Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The words flow like butta

What drives my oatmeal passion?
I go wild without my daily ration.
Decadent bites of warm gooey goo.
You warm me through and through.
Sweet bowl you deserve recognition.
Each bite makes me swoon with submission.
Never leave me, creamy, dreamy mush.
You're so good it makes me blush.

Ladies, I clearly love oatmeal. I have a hearty bowl of it no less than five times a week for breakfast. Heck, sometimes I even have it for lunch. I've baked with it too and I even use it in my healthy pancake recipe. It's a huge part of my life! If you're not hip, get hip!

Just some of the benefits of oatmeal:
  1. Excellent source of Fiber
  2. A great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
  3. Reduces the risk of heart disease
  4. Stabilizes blood glucose levels
  5. Normalizes blood pressure
  6. Lowers cholesterol
  7. Filling and Satisfying (keeps me full for hours)
  8. Healthier metabolism
  9. Healthy weight control
Needless to say, I think you already know what I had for breakfast. Fruity oats.
  • 1/2 cup Irish oats
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • frozen peaches and strawberries
  • lots of cinnamon
  • dash pumpkin pie spice
  • dash salt
  • Splenda to taste (or sweetener of choice)

This kept me full all morning. You've gotta love that! I couldn't decide between a wrap and a salad for lunch today so I rebelled and had BOTH. Yeah, that's right. Living on the edge over here! I made a quick (and thin) wrap with a light FlatOut, bread and butter pickles and roast beef. On the side I had a very simple salad of spinach, sweet butter lettuce, cherry tomatoes, spray butter and Asian hot sauce. DELICIOUS!

Our server went down at work soon after I finished my lunch. I tried to amuse myself with my mini Zen garden but I lost interest roughly 1 minute into this "calming" adventure.

Instead, Ann and I decided to take advantage of this forced break and went to hang out at Barnes and Nobles for a bit. We did some SERIOUS research while we were there. We were looking for new moves to try at the gym. We sipped on delicious African Autumn tea and perused a couple of books on strength training for women. I even took notes. HA! We found a couple moves we liked that we hope to try sometime soon. :)

The server was back up by the time we got back to work. We were both BEYOND excited. HA! KIDDING! Back to work it was....

My afternoon snack was the usual. YOGURT! I had a 1/2 cup of Trader Joe's fat free Greek yogurt and crumbled a Kashi Cherry Dark Chocolate granola bar into the mix. Yum-yum!

After work it was off the gym for a "poetic" sweat session! ;)

Feel the burn
Move and learn
Sweaty trance
MUST enhance
Size of ass
With super sass
Excuses denied
Muscles cried
Pump and shout
Beauty in and out
Scale confirmation
Is motivation
Jiggle be GONE
Reveal the swan

Ab Machine (cable)
110lb x 25
110lb x 25
110lb x 25
Situps with 8.8lb plate
Floor Crunches
Rotary Torso Ab machine (cable)
30lb x 15
30lb x 15
30lb x 15
Lat Pulldown with V-bar (cable)
70lb x 15
60lb x 15
60lb x 15
High Row machine (plate loaded)
90lb x 15
90lb x 15
90lb x 15
Seated Row machine (cable)
60lb x 15
50lb x 15
50lb x 15
Bent Over Barbell Curls
35lb x 15
35lb x 15
35lb x 15
Dumbbell Row (single handed)
15lb x 15 (per side)
15lb x 15 (per side)
20lb x 15 (per side)
Elliptical - 17 minutes - Interval Training
7 min. - Resistance 8-10
10 min. - Resistance 8-12
217 calories burned

After the gym I hurried home to snuggle with my Mr. I didn't get to see him at all last night. I passed out WAY before he made it home from boy's night. After some cuddle time I started on dinner. Mr. Lovely was begging me for pirogues so I quickly cooked him up a batch with sauteed onions and spicy smoked sausage. While I was prepping his dinner I tossed another slice of the spinach cake from last night into the oven. By the time his pirogues were done my dinner was done too. I had it wit a bit of Food Should Taste Good chips on the side. Easy and delicious! I'm freakin in LOVE with these chips. They were "The Works" variety. SO GOOD!

Since dinner was light I decided to have another bowl of "pumpkin pudding". It was SO good last night. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. Into my pretty little green bowl went a sliced banana, the pumpkin pudding mix, fat free whip and a sprinkle of pomegranate granola. AWE YEAH! I was in heaven! You can find the SUPER EASY recipe for pumpkin pudding on my recipes blog ****HERE****.

Time for more cuddling. Have a great night everyone!

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