Friday, January 29, 2010

Underwear Flamenco

OMG everyone, listen up! I have GREAT NEWS!

Well, are you ready? Are you sure? Okay, here we go...

I lost another 4.9 pounds since last Friday. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I was seconds away from hugging the scale but resisted. Mr. Scale and I have a sordid relationship and I'm not quite ready to trust him yet. I NEED MORE TIME! I was SO happy when I saw the number staring back at me. I just kept looking at it in shock! I may or may not have danced like an idiot in my underwear soon thereafter. I may or may not have jumped around while clapping my hands and giggling like a kid high on candy crack. Okay, I admit it, I did both of those things and then some and I DON'T CARE! I was enjoying my "special" moment. This brings my total loss to 38 pounds. YAY!

In other "NEW PLAN OF ATTACK" update news.

Water consumption - Going excellent! I'm drinking a gallon a day.
Incorporating green tea - Drinking 2 a day as planned.
Drinking less coffee - Yeah, that's right, going good. I'm down to 1 cup a day.
Protein shakes after every workout - Done and done and loving it!
No carbs for dinner 3x a week - Consider it done. Not so bad after all.
More cardio - TACKLED! I dedicate 2 days a week to an hour of cardio and do 30 min. 3x a week as well.
Lift heavier with less reps - Yep, doing this as well and I actually enjoy this more. Lifting heavier makes you feel all bad ass. Like I can kick some ass, but you know, I won't cuz I'm a lady! HAHAHAHA! (yeah right!)
New Recipes - Nothing major but yeah, I did try a few new things in the past week.

And there you have it, I think that covers everything!!

I knew that today would be a GOOD day from the moment I walked out the door this morning. I doubt anything can ruin my mood. I was high on happiness.

BREAKFAST (meal #1)

I had the usual pumpkin oats but with a bit more KICK!
  • 1/3 cup Irish Oats (all I had left in the box)
  • 1 tbs Flax seed
  • 1 tbs Cracked Wheat
  • 1 tbs Wheat Bran
  • dash cinnamon
  • dash pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • Splenda to taste

DROOLWORTHY! The addition of the flax and wheat's was so good. It gave it this rich, filling and grainy/chewy (in a good way) flavor and texture. YUM!

Work was slow today. SAY WHAT? Yeah, you heard me right. SLOW! I told you today would be a good day. This is unheard of for the last work day of the month but I happily enjoyed the down time and FINALLY got caught up on my blog reading! I was so behind and I felt so incomplete. I consider reading about your daily eats and shenanigans as mental and visual therapy. Like bonding with foodie fanatic females through the wonders of the Internet. I FREAKIN LOVE IT!

LUNCH (meal #2)

As I threatened yesterday, today's lunch is a complete repeat of yesterdays because it was out of this world good. Please welcome the very sexy breakfast burrito.
  • 4 egg whites seasoned with sea salt & black pepper
  • 2 tbs cilantro and jalapeno hummus (Trader Joe's)
  • spinach leaves
  • Sriracha love drizzle
  • Whole wheat and Flax FlatOut

You add all this up and it turns into a magical protein packed miracle wrapped in flaxy love. TRY IT!


And then, get this, I had chocolate. I TELL NO LIES! It was a mini treat for a job well done on the weight loss. I can't even remember the last time I had chocolate. I had a square (just 1) of Newman's Own Organics espresso dark chocolate, which was roughly 60 calories. WELL WORTH IT! I nibbled on this for like 30 minutes, slowly savoring every little bite. DELISH!

For a break today I took my overly happy ass to Target with Ann. We couldn't think of anywhere else to go and Target has always been our fail-safe destination of choice. Ann is addicted to this place. It's sort of scary. Even when she needs nothing, NOTHING, she will go there and walk around and leave with at least $50 dollars worth of "must haves". HA!

I was just BIT naughty today. I picked up two cute plates and a glass bowl. I'm sure they'll make their photographic debuts on the blog soon. So all in all, not too bad. I was proud of myself!

SNACK (meal #3)

The snack was the usual sexy bowl of good stuff.
  • 4oz plain 0% Oikos
  • 1/2 banana
  • cinnamon
  • 1 packet Splenda
  • a dash of Kaia Foods buckwheat cocoa ganola.

The Kaia Foods granola is super tasty and not too sweet.

The stats are pretty good as well.

It had a great crunch and went perfectly with the creamy yogurt and soft banana. GOOD! It gets a 9 out of 10.

I snuck out of work early. Just by 20 minutes but I still felt like a REBEL! It was just early enough to beat the rush hour traffic home on 77N which is always horrid. As soon as I walked in the door I started cleaning. I was going WILD like a Pledge and Windex tornado. I dusted my tender little heart out until there was no more dust left to clean. I love a clean house! I also threw a load of laundry in, emptied the dishwasher and cleaned out the fridge. Yes, I DO find this to be FUN and I'm well aware of the fact that this makes me a freak.

After my Pledge attack I brewed a nice cup of double spice chai tea, added a splash of sugar free cream, a dash cinnamon and curled up on the couch for a while with Nick. I love Friday evenings!

DINNER (meal #4) I only had 4 today. Wasn't very hungry earlier.

At about 7-ish my stomach started grumbling. TICKLE ME FANCY, IT'S TACO TIME! We quickly joined forces in the kitchen and slammed dinner out in less than 30 minutes. YAY FOR TEAM WORK! I had the usual vegetarian taco salad (recipe **HERE**) and Nick had his with ground beef. He calls mine dog food. WHA??? It's delish! He's crazy! I had it with fat free blue corn chips, cannellini beans, fat free shredded cheese, avocado, romaine, tomato and a healthy blob of Oikos to top it all off. YUMMY!

Oh I'm so wired. I hope I can force myself to go to bed earlier tonight. I average 1:00 am on Friday nights but I would like to get to the gym EARLY so I can enjoy the rest of my Saturday.

I leave you with a quote...

In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and chains. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale. ~Stephen Phillips



Janetha @ meals + moves said...

BAD FUCKING ASS! nice job on losing that much!! WOW! i am so freaking proud of you!

Karin said...

Yay that's AWESOME! Congrats!!!

Anna said...

Yurullll I would totally jump up and down clapping also. Congrats, you are giving me incentives to work harder. ;-)


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