Friday, December 18, 2009

I've got the Spirit!

THREE! That's right, I only have THREE actual work days left before my 11 day vacation. I'm NOT known for my patience! This waiting and every day calendar gawking is killing me!! Next Wednesday at 5:00 pm needs to come on already!

Speaking of three, I lost 1.3 pounds this morning. Yep, I'll take it! Now I just need to lose another 3.7 before the end of the year to reach my mini goal of 35lb lost. Very doable!

Oh yeah, and I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. About time!!! I've been feeling funky since last Sunday. Way toooooo long!

Today was such a fun day! I feel like the Christmas festivities have finally begun. My Christmas spirit levels rise uncontrollably with each passing day!!! As I mentioned before, our Christmas luncheon at the office was today. I'll discuss more on that in a bit. I also gave my coworker her presents today, and I in turn received this lovely basket of goodies. The most awesome part of this basket was a gift card to Macy's. I LOVE MACY'S! SO exciting!

All the excitement of the gift exchange made me hungry. Let's move on to breakfast, shall we?
  • 1/4 cup Irish oats
  • 1/4 cup 5 grain celeral
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • dash salt
  • dash cinnamon
  • dash pumpkin pie spice
  • Banana, sliced
  • 2 tbs sweetened coconut flakes

The smell of cinnamon always reminds me of Christmas. Maybe that's why I love it so much. CUZ I SURE DO LOVE ME SOME CHRISTMAS!

After breakfast I found it hard to concentrate. Everyone at work was buzzing about their contributions to the luncheon, their plans for the Holidays, their strategic shopping plans etc... Somehow I found the strength to focus though and got a lot of work done.

At noon I could hear all the shuffling and murmurs in the hallway about the impending FOOD FEST! I joined the crowd with my platter of pumpkin bites and found a perfect little spot to set them down. Somewhere in the FOREST of sugar cookies, puddings, pies, cakes and other treats, it fit in beautifully with it's healthy deliciousness. Yes, I was proud of my figure friendly contribution! I was GLAD to see that they actually had some healthier foods that I could have without a serious GUILT trip. Here is my plate of goodies. A turkey sandwich, Asian green bean salad, Thai noodle salad (2 varieties), a mix of fruits (pears, strawberries, grapes) and veggies (carrots, cauliflower and broccoli). Yummy. The turkey was so good!! Super moist with a great smoky flavor.

I also allowed myself a bit of a MINI treat. HEY, it's the Holidays. Shhhhh! BUT I only allowed myself a bite of MY OWN pumpkin bites and a mini cupcake courtesy of the lovely Ann. THEY WERE GOOD ANN!

After the feast I ran to the grocery store to get my shopping done now instead of after work. It's cold enough to turn my trunk into a fridge so I no longer have to wait until after work to buy my groceries. I love being able to go straight home after work. Which is exactly what I did...

I put the groceries away, played with the dishwasher, the cat and the mail and then took a nice long bath. AHHH, Fridays, you make me so happy!

Dinner was the usual Friday fare. Taco Salad. You can find the recipe for it ***HERE***. Yep, I still love this stuff!

After dinner I curled up on the couch with a blanket and my laptop and started writing this post. Now that I'm nearing the end of my rambling session, I'm realizing how TIRED I am! I'm finding it incredibly hard to keep my eyes open. Probably from all the crappy sleep this week because of being sick. BAH! I better go get some sleep! Goodnight everyone...

1 comment:

Thessa said...

I love the porridge! The pumpkin spice, cinnamon, banana and coconut combination is making me drool (myself drooling is probably unappetizing on your end, sorry about that!)

And congratulations on almost hitting the -35 lbs mark!!


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