Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Why hello there. Happy Tuesday! It is Tuesday right? My days are starting to blend together since I haven't been to work since the 23rd. Jealous? MUWAHAHAHA (evil laugh). ;)

Today started out with a tasty little breakfast. I made a quick egg white scramble with 4 egg whites, bunny sea sat and black pepper. The bunny rabbits kept lingering after their work was done. Sneaky little wabbits!

On the side I had a banana and a slice of French Meadow Bakery cinnamon raisin bread. BY THE WAY, I've been so busy with Christmas that I forgot to share with you the wonderful package I received from the very friendly folks over at French Meadow Bakery. They sent me 3 delicious loaves of bread and some bagels.

I was SUPER excited to receive these goodies and I have been dying to try them. So today, I did! The Cinnamon Raisin bread was dense, rich, filling and delicious! The stats were excellent too.

Even though the slices are smaller, they are jam packed with goodness and very flavorful. This slice gets a 10 out of 10. It was excellent!

After breakfast I changed into my gym clothes and met Ann for a great workout.

Inclined Shoulder Press
50lb x 15
50lb x 12
Modular Lat Pulldown
60lb x 15
60lb x 12
Modular Chest Press
50lb x 20
60lb x 12
Tricep Pushdown (straight bar)
80lb x 20
80lb x 15
Barbell Curls
30lb x 20
35lb x 8
Elliptical, Interval Training
10 min. - levels 6-8
10 min. - levels 7-9
5 min. - levels 8-10
5 min. - level 12
379 calories burned

This workout left me feeling good, but a bit whooped. I crashed on the couch as soon as I got home and ended up sitting there for about an hour and a half. For some reason I never eat right after a workout. Not sure if this is a bad thing or not. ???

When I did finally get hungry I had a wonderful salad with more egg roll stuffing leftovers. Egg Roll Salad? Sure, that sound like a good name to call it. It was delicious. Here is what went into the mix.
  • Baby Arugula
  • Sweet Butter Lettuce
  • Green onion
  • Black beans
  • Egg Roll Stuffing (You can find the recipe ***HERE***)
  • Spray butter
  • Chili sauce (egg roll dipping sauce)

Oh man, the salad was delicious! You will never believe what I did after I finished lunch. I CLEANED SOME MORE! Yeah, that's right. I'm LIVING ON THE EDGE ON MY WILD VACATION WEEK AWAY FROM WORK! HA! With Nick working this week, I finally had a chance to clean his office. I had to do it!! IT NEEDED DONE! I'm forbidden to go in there and touch anything and the room is covered with dust, papers, receipts and "electrical man toys". Forbidden or not, I was going in there today to clean that sucker. He was at work which meant he wouldn't be able to stop me. HAHAHAHA!

After the office was done (WOW, that was fun) I walked past the bedroom and came across this vision.

OMG. Mr. Oliver is such an adorable, mean little bastard. I mean, just look at this SUPERMODEL!

I could just eat him. I'm fighting all urges to nibble on his cute little fuzzy face. OLIVER! I WANT TO EAT YOU! YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!! HA!

Once the cat supermodel posing session was over I dove in and cleaned the bathroom as well. The ENTIRE house is now officially clean and this makes me GIDDY with excitement. YEAH!

After the cleaning session, I was left with about an hour before Nick got home from work. Relaxing, girlie, bubble bath time. It was a nice way to end the afternoon!

When Nick got home he surprised me with a last minute invite to go visit his mom with him for dinner. This meant EMERGENCY COOKIE BAKING TIME! I purchased a little something for his mom for Christmas already which I planned to give to her the next time I saw her. However, the plan was to bake some cookies for her boyfriend for Christmas as well. Nick inviting me at the last minute meant I had to bake the cookies right away.

Kodiak Cakes to the rescue!

I quickly grabbed the box of Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip cookies and went to work. The recipe was SUPER easy. It called for a stick of butter and one egg, that's it. BRILLIANT! I had the batter ready in no time and into the oven they went for 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees. I let them cool on a cookie rack for 10 minutes and packed them up in a cute little basket. Done and done.

His mom was making the usual FATTY "I can't have" type dinner again so I packed up some leftover Stuffed Pepper Soup to take along as well. Good thing I made extra yesterday! I also packed up two slices of French Meadows Bakery, Spelt Bread to have with the soup.

Dinner was delicious! Once again the bread was brilliant and dense. Heavenly little slices of goodness! :)

His mom loved the craft beads I got for her. She makes her own jewelry and metal crafts so it was the perfect present in my opinion. Her boyfriend LOVED the cookies as well. He kept moaning while eating them. HA! They were CLEARLY delicious! I was going to try one but never got the chance. The soup and bread had me stuffed!

By the time we got home it was nearing bedtime but I wanted to post this before I called it a night. I'm very sleepy tonight for some reason!

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day with Sis! We're going shopping and having Sushi. I haven't had sushi since June or something crazy like that. I CAN'T WAIT!

Have a great night!

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